The Yellow Door

The Yellow Door

As I have thought about how I want to start this blog, I have pondered many options. Gear or film review? Recent trip? Favorite film stock? I could have gone in multiple directions, but the one that just seemed to feel right was to share my favorite film image to date…The Yellow Door. Taken with a Nikon EM and a simple roll of Fuji 200, it has easily become my favorite image.

There are images that you take in the moment that you know will be magnificent shots, while others you aren’t quite sure. Truth be told, I completely forgot that I had taken this one until I got the scans back from the lab. When I saw it, I immediately put it in my “to be printed” folder. I was so happy when I saw it.

I can’t tell you why it’s my favorite. I have no particular story to make it mean anything to you and nothing extraordinary happened in the process of taking it. Very often, my best exposures are the ones that just make me feel something that I can’t necessarily explain. This is one of them.

As you begin to see more of my film images, you must know that I am a sucker for vintage things. All of my cameras and lenses are old and I love taking pictures of things that bring me back to a place before my time. I don’t like autofocus when shooting film because it messes up the vibe and I prefer a camera that requires manual advancing of the film. That’s just how I am with 35mm.

I hope you enjoy viewing my film images as I share them from time to time, and please come back again to see what I am creating with my cameras!

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The Wandering Piano